Showing posts with label God Himself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God Himself. Show all posts

Saturday, June 15, 2019

It’s written right there in the Bible: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Heb 13:8). So the name of the Lord never changes! But you say that when the Lord comes again in the last days He will take a new name and will be called Almighty God. How do you explain it?


Ever since we started believing in the Lord Jesus, we began to pray and to heal disease and cast out demons in His name. Also, because of His name, we gained peace and blessings, and moreover because of His name we gained countless graces. That is why the name of the Lord Jesus has been deeply imprinted on our hearts and we also treasure His name very much, just like how the people of Israel treasured the name of Jehovah. Accordingly, when some brothers and sisters hear that the Lord has already returned in the flesh as Almighty God, they are unable to accept it, saying: “It says in Acts 4:12: ‘Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.’ Hebrews 13:8 states: ‘Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.’ Therefore, when the Lord returns His name should still be Jesus. How could He be called Almighty God?” Brothers and sisters, what do you think of this question? Could the Lord only be called Jesus when He returns?

Thursday, May 16, 2019

What will the outcome of the CCP government and the religious world be after they madly condemn and resist God?

Bible Verses for Reference:

All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven to men. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come” (Matthew 12:31-32).

Monday, May 6, 2019

Analyzing and Discerning the CCP Government’s and the Religious World’s Rumors and Lies (2)

(3) Dissecting the Third Chinese Communist Party and Religious Community Rumor: The Church of Almighty God Was Created by a Person

Relevant Words of God:

Some may wonder, Why must the age be ushered in by God Himself? Cannot a created being stand in His stead? You are all aware that God becomes flesh for the express purpose of ushering in a new age, and, of course, when He ushers in a new age, He will have concluded the former age at the same time. God is the Beginning and the End; it is He Himself who sets His work in motion and so it must be He Himself who concludes the former age. That is the proof that He defeats Satan and conquers the world. Each time He Himself works among man, it is the beginning of a new battle. Without the beginning of new work, there would naturally be no conclusion of the old. And when there is no conclusion of the old, this is proof that the battle with Satan has yet to come to a close. Only if God Himself comes, and carries out new work among man, can man break completely free of the domain of Satan and gain a new life and a new beginning. Otherwise, man shall forever live in the old age and forever live under the old influence of Satan.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Someone said, “The Bible was inspired by God. It is absolutely not tainted by man’s will and is entirely the word of God. All the words in the Bible are multi-faceted and foreshadowing, the Bible is absolutely authoritative, there is no other book that can compare, and everyone must admit that the Bible is inerrant. Anyone who says the Bible is tainted by man’s will or contains errors is attacking and denying the Bible, and all such people shall be cursed.”

Response: Many people believe that the Bible was inspired by God, that everything recorded in the Bible is the word of God, completely untainted by man’s will and that the Bible is absolutely authoritative. They even treat the Bible the same as they treat God. They think that anyone who says the Bible is tainted by man’s will is attacking and denying the Bible, and shall be cursed. Does this view conform to the truth? Does it have any basis in God’s words? Jehovah God never gave such testimony about the Bible, and neither did the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit has never given such testimony about the Bible either. Everyone who knows the Bible knows that the Bible was not written by God Himself, but within it are the records of ancient prophets, disciples and apostles about the work God had done, as well as the personal experiences of disciples and apostles and the epistles that they wrote to the churches of that time, and there are also some prophecies about God’s final work.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Origin of Eastern Lightning’s Prosperity

The mention of Eastern Lightning perplexes many brothers and sisters in the Lord: Why is it that as the religious community as a whole becomes increasingly desolate and degenerate, as each denomination becomes increasingly guarded and conservative in condemning and banishing Eastern Lightning, not only does Eastern Lightning not become desolate or ebb, but surges like an unstoppable, billowing wave, sweeping across mainland China, and now that it has even expanded beyond China’s borders to foreign countries and regions, and is being accepted by more and more people worldwide? Faced with this fact, the religious people are thoroughly puzzled, while in fact the reason is quite simple: What the various denominations call Eastern Lightning is the returned Savior Jesus of the last days, riding down from the heavens upon a “white cloud”; it is the practical God Himself, who has returned to flesh! For this reason, despite the fact that every denomination in the world resists, attacks, or condemns God incarnate of the last days or His work, there is no person or force that can ever obstruct or suppress what He wishes to achieve. God’s authority, power, and His almightiness and wisdom are unsurpassable by any force of Satan.

Friday, April 19, 2019

What’s the Origin of Eastern Lightning?

We are now in the last days, the prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically been fulfilled, and thousands upon thousands of pious believers are fervently hoping for the Lord Jesus’ return. At the same time, however, Eastern Lightning has openly given testimony that the Lord Jesus has already returned—that is, Almighty God, the incarnation of the last days—and that He has already done His work of judgment beginning with God’s house. The emergence of Eastern Lightning has shaken the whole religious world as well as all those who sincerely believe in God and thirst for the truth. Through seeking and investigating the words and work of Almighty God, many people confirm that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus, and one after another they come before Almighty God.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Gospel Reflection: Giving Credence to Rumors Means Losing God’s Salvation of the Last Days

Many brothers and sisters are unable to take heed whenever they hear someone talking about Almighty God’s gospel of the last days, and don’t dare accept what is preached because they have been spooked by the sensationalized rumors fabricated within religious circles. They may hear someone say: “Those who believe in Almighty God are really something—you’ll be taken in as soon as you have contact with them. There are many true believers from every denomination who are good sheep and even bellwethers of good caliber, but they are being stolen by believers in Almighty God….” Or some have said: “The believers in Almighty God are really enthusiastic about spreading the gospel. If they convert a believer they receive a prize of 2,000 RMB, if they convert a church leader they can get 10,000 to 20,000 RMB….” And still others have said: “They don’t maintain good boundaries between men and women—they are all very promiscuous….”

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Almighty God's Word "You Should Know That the Practical God Is God Himself"

Almighty God's Word "You Should Know That the Practical God Is God Himself"

Almighty God says, "God’s appearance in the flesh means that all of the work and words of the Spirit of God are done through His normal humanity, and through His incarnate flesh. In other words, God’s Spirit both directs His human work and carries out the work of divinity in the flesh, and in God incarnate you can see both God’s work in humanity and completely divine work; this is the real significance of the practical God’s appearance in the flesh. If you can see this clearly, you will be able to connect all of the different parts of God, and will cease to place too much of a premium on His work in divinity, and to be too dismissive of His work in humanity, and you will not go to extremes, nor take any detours. Overall, the meaning of the practical God is that the work of His humanity and of His divinity, as directed by the Spirit, is expressed through His flesh, so that people can see that He is vivid and lifelike, and real and actual."

Friday, April 5, 2019

Almighty God's Word "Concerning Appellations and Identity" (Part One)

Almighty God's Word "Concerning Appellations and Identity" (Part One)

Almighty God says,"Jesus represented the Spirit of God, and was the Spirit of God working directly. He did the work of the new age, the work that no one had done before. He opened up a new way, He represented Jehovah, and He represented God Himself. Whereas with Peter, Paul, and David, regardless of what they were called, they only represented the identity of a creature of God, or were sent by Jesus or Jehovah. So no matter how much work they did, no matter how great the miracles they performed, they were still just creatures of God, and incapable of representing the Spirit of God. They worked in the name of God or after being sent by God; furthermore, they worked in the ages begun by Jesus or Jehovah, and the work they did was not separate. They were, after all, merely creatures of God."

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Words of the Holy Spirit | Almighty God's Words "God's Work and Man's Work" (Part Two)

The Words of the Holy Spirit | Almighty God's Words "God's Work and Man's Work" (Part Two)

Almighty God says, "What man expresses is what he sees, experiences and can imagine. Even if it is doctrines or notions, these are all reachable by man’s thinking. Regardless of the size of man’s work, it cannot exceed the scope of man’s experience, what man sees, or what man can imagine or conceive. What God expresses is what God Himself is, and this is beyond the reach of man, that is, beyond the reach of man’s thinking. He expresses His work of leading all of mankind, and this is not relevant to the details of human experience, but is instead concerned with His own management. Man expresses his experience while God expresses His being—this being is His inherent disposition and is beyond the reach of man."

Monday, March 11, 2019

The Lord Has Opened the Scroll | "The Essence of the Flesh Inhabited by God"

The Lord Has Opened the Scroll | "The Essence of the Flesh Inhabited by God"


Almighty God says, "All of this was proof that He was a normal man, which proved that God’s incarnate flesh was a flesh with normal humanity, not a supernatural one. His job was to complete the work of God’s first incarnation, to fulfill the ministry of the first incarnation. The significance of incarnation is that an ordinary, normal man performs the work of God Himself; that is, that God performs His divine work in humanity and thereby vanquishes Satan. Incarnation means that God’s Spirit becomes a flesh, that is, God becomes flesh; the work that He does in the flesh is the work of the Spirit, which is realized in the flesh, expressed by the flesh. No one except God’s flesh can fulfill the ministry of the incarnate God; that is, only God’s incarnate flesh, this normal humanity—and no one else—can express the divine work."

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique I God's Authority (I)" (Part Four)

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique I God's Authority (I)" (Part Four)


God's words in this video are from the book "The Word Appears in the Flesh".

 The content of this video:

 The Creator’s Authority Is Not Constrained by Time, Space, or Geography, and the Creator’s Authority Is Inestimable

Saturday, February 9, 2019

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique II God's Righteous Disposition" (Part Four)

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique II God's Righteous Disposition" (Part Four)


God’s words in this video are from the book "The Word Appears in the Flesh".

 The content of this video:

 The True Repentance in the Ninevites’ Hearts Wins Them God’s Mercy and Changes Their Own Ends 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (II) God's Righteous Disposition" (Part Two)

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (II) God's Righteous Disposition" (Part Two)


 The content of this video:

 Although God’s Wrath Is Hidden and Unknown to Man, It Tolerates No Offense

 God’s Wrath Is a Safeguard for All Just Forces and All Positive Things

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique II God's Righteous Disposition" (Part One)

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique II God's Righteous Disposition" (Part One)


    God’s words in this video are from the book “Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh”.

     The content of this video:

     (I) For Stubbornly Opposing God, Man Is Destroyed by God’s Wrath

     Sodom’s Corruption: Infuriating to Man, Enraging to God

Monday, February 4, 2019

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique VI God’s Holiness (III)" (Part Four)

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique VI God’s Holiness (III)" (Part Four)


God’s words in this video are from the book “Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh”.

The content of this video:

 There are six primary means that Satan employs to corrupt man.

Recommendation: God is my strength      worship God in spirit and in truth 

Friday, February 1, 2019

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique VI God’s Holiness (III)" (Part Two)

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique VI God’s Holiness (III)" (Part Two)


God’s words in this video are from the book “Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh”.

 The content of this video:

 How Satan uses science to corrupt man

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Word of God in the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique (VI) God's Holiness (III)" (Part One)

The Word of God in the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique (VI) God's Holiness (III)" (Part One)


The Word of God in the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique (VI) God's Holiness (III)" (Part One)

Monday, January 21, 2019

"God Himself, the Unique X God Is the Source of Life for All Things (IV)" (Part Four)

"God Himself, the Unique X God Is the Source of Life for All Things (IV)" (Part Four)


God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh". 

 The content of this video: 

 2. God’s Requirements of Mankind 

Friday, January 18, 2019

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique X God Is the Source of Life for All Things (IV)" (Part One)

God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique X God Is the Source of Life for All Things (IV)" (Part One)


God’s words in this video are from the book “Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh”.

 The content of this video:

 God Is the Source of Life for All Things (IV) Part One