What are evil deeds? What are the manifestations of evil deeds?
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What are evil deeds? What are the manifestations of evil deeds? |
Relevant Words of God:
What is the standard by which a person’s acts are evaluated as good or evil? It is whether or not you, in your thoughts, expressions, and actions, have the testimony of putting truth into practice and of living out the reality of truth. If you do not have this reality or do not have this living out, then you are without a doubt an evildoer.
from “You Can Obtain Truth After Turning Your True Heart Over to God” in Records of Christ’s Talks
If you always live according to your selfish desires, always satisfying your own selfish desires, then this type of person does not have a testimony in the eyes of God and does not have a testimony in the eyes of Satan. This is the mark of causing God to be ashamed, causing God to be ashamed in everything. You say, “But I haven’t done anything; how have I made God ashamed?” In your thoughts, in the intents, goals, and motives behind your actions, and in the consequences of what you’ve done—in every way you are satisfying Satan, being its laughingstock, and exposing yourself to its accusation, and you do not have the least of the testimony that you should bear as a Christian. In all things you dishonor God’s name, and you do not have a genuine testimony. Will God remember the things you have done? In the end, what conclusion will God draw about your acts and the duty you performed? Should there not be a result? An opinion? In the Bible, the Lord Jesus says, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works?” (Mat 7:22). What does the Lord Jesus say? (“I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity” (Mat 7:23).) Why does the Lord Jesus say this? Why have those who heal the sick and cast out devils in the Lord’s name, who travel to preach in the Lord’s name, become evildoers? Who are these evildoers? Are they those who do not believe in God? (No.) Who are they? (They are those who believe in God but do not practice truth.) Correct. They believe in God and follow God. They also expend themselves for God, give things up for God, and perform their duty. However, in performing their duty they are not loyal and do not have testimonies, and their performance of duty has become wickedness. So, the Lord Jesus says, “Depart from me, you that work iniquity.”
from “You Can Obtain Truth After Turning Your True Heart Over to God” in Records of Christ’s Talks
Many people will kneel down for mercy and forgiveness because the seven thunders peal. But this will no longer be the Age of Grace: It will be the time for wrath. As for all people who do evil (those who fornicate, or deal in dirty money, or have unclear boundaries between men and women, or who interrupt or damage My management, or whose spirits are blocked, or who are possessed by the evil spirits, and so on—all except My elect), none of them will be let off, nor any pardoned, but all will be cast down to Hades and perish forever!
from “The Ninety-fourth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Those amongst brothers and sisters who are always venting their negativity are Satan’s lackeys and they disturb the church. These people must one day be expelled and eliminated. In their belief in God, if people don’t hold within them a God-revering heart, if they don’t have a heart that is obedient to God, then not only will they be unable to do any work for God, but on the contrary will become people who disturb God’s work and who defy God. When someone who believes in God does not obey God or revere God but instead defies Him, then this is the greatest disgrace for a believer. If the speech and conduct of a believer is always as casual and unrestrained as an unbeliever, then this believer is even more evil than the unbeliever; they are a typical demon. Those in the church who vent their venomous talk, those amongst brothers and sisters who spread rumors, foment disharmony and form cliques should have been expelled from the church. But because it is now a different era of God’s work, these people have been restricted, for they are doomed to be objects for elimination. Those who have been corrupted by Satan all have a corrupt disposition. But whereas some people only have a corrupt disposition there are others who are not like this, in that not only do they have corrupt satanic dispositions, but their natures are also malicious to the extreme. All this type of person does and says is not only expressing their corrupt satanic dispositions, but they themselves are the real devil Satan.
Every single church has people who disturb the church, people who interrupt God’s work. These people are all Satan masquerading in God’s family. This type of person is especially good at impersonating, coming respectfully before Me, nodding and bowing, behaving like mangy dogs, devoting their “all” in order to achieve their own objectives, but showing their ugly countenance before brothers and sisters. When they see someone practicing the truth they attack and exclude them, and when they see someone more terrible than they are themselves, they flatter and fawn upon them, acting like tyrants within the church. It can be said that the majority of churches have this type of “local villainous snake,” this type of “lap dog” within them. They sneak around together, winking and secretly signaling to each other, and none of them practice the truth. Whoever has the most venom is the “head demon,” and whoever has the highest prestige leads them, bearing their flag aloft. These people run wild within the church, spreading their negativity, releasing death, doing as they please, saying what they please, with no one daring to stop them, being full of satanic dispositions. As soon as they begin to cause disturbance, an air of death enters into the church. … If there are several local villainous snakes in a church, as well as some small flies who follow them who have no discernment whatsoever, if those of the church still cannot cast off the binds and manipulation of these snakes after they have seen the truth, then these fools will be eliminated in the end. Though these small flies may not have done anything terrible, they are even more cunning, even more slick and evasive and everyone like this will be eliminated. Not one will be left!
from “A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
You see all these acts of God now, yet still you resist and are rebellious and do not submit; you harbor many things inside yourself and do whatever you wish; you follow your own lusts, and likes—this is rebelliousness; this is resistance. Belief in God that is carried out for the flesh, for one’s lusts, and for one’s own likes, for the world, and for Satan, is filthy; it is resistant and rebellious. There are all different kinds of belief now: Some seek shelter from disaster, and others seek to obtain blessings, while some wish to understand mysteries and still others try to get some money. These are all forms of resistance; they are all blasphemy! To say that one resists or rebels—is it not in reference to these things? Many people now grumble, utter complaints or make judgments. These are all things done by the wicked; they are human resistance and rebelliousness; such people are possessed and occupied by Satan.
from “You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
The Man’s Fellowship:
What are the manifestations of doing various kinds of evil? Let’s take a look. The first manifestation occurs in God’s house when someone judges God and judges God’s work. It involves frequently having notions about God and the man used by the Holy Spirit. Some people even harbor hostility, spreading negativity and notions about God everywhere, spreading rumors about God and the man used by the Holy Spirit in order to deceive God’s chosen people and disturb the work of God’s house. These are the greatest evils. These are the things that disturb and damage the life entry of God’s chosen people and the work of God’s house the most. This is why it is the greatest evil. All those who are able to do these kinds of evil deeds are evil-doers. The second manifestation is that some leaders in God’s house are not considerate of God’s intentions and do not do the essential work that God entrusted them to do. Instead, they bear witness for themselves and do things to preserve their status. They arrange all sorts of leadership positions in God’s house for their trusted aides and confederates. This kind of person is also an evil-doer. You do not arrange for those who truly pursue the truth and have the Holy Spirit’s work to take on leadership positions; instead, you place your accomplices, trusted aides, and sycophants into important work positions. Haven’t you placed obstacles and difficulties to the life entry of God’s chosen people? Therefore, these kinds of people are also evil-doers. God’s house lifts them up high and lets them become leaders, yet they bear witness to themselves, show off themselves and do not bear witness at all to God and all that God has and is. They do not communicate the truth of God’s word and they do not guide people to enter the truth. They always strive to defend their own status in their work. They speak for their status and reputation and they always bear witness to themselves. They defend their own status amongst God’s chosen people and they defend their status in the hearts of those from above. This kind of person is an antichrist. People who are antichrists are all evil-doers. There is one more manifestation. Some people fulfill their duties but do not have any devotion to God. They are just going through the motions. They follow the flesh and their personal tastes when they do things. The result is that they bring a lot of troubles to God’s house and they cause God’s house to suffer a large financial loss. This kind of person is an evil-doer. Additionally, all those who do not pursue the truth yet who disturb others from pursuing the truth, who always spread negativity, who always spread the fallacious perspectives of unbelievers or religious people to disturb God’s chosen people are also in the category of evil-doers.
from “How God Arranges the Ends of All Kinds of People” in Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (II)
The Thirty Evil Deeds of Interrupting and Disturbing God’s Work and Directly Going Against God
1. Not honestly carrying out one’s duty in the church and engaging in jealous disputes, status struggles, resulting in church life chaos is an evil deed.
2. Sowing discord, forming cliques and causing disturbances resulting in splits in the church and serious disturbances to church work is an evil deed.
3. Not loving the truth, making mischief and creating conflict, provoking conflict between people and disturbing church life is an evil deed.
4. Telling lies, cheating and deceiving people, frequently distorting the facts and mixing up black and white to create chaos, this is an evil deed.
5. Spreading fallacy and heresy to confuse people, resulting in people being unable to pursue the truth and having no path to take and attaching themselves to Satan and demons, this is an evil deed.
6. Spreading negativity and death and releasing notions to deceive people, disturbing the church life and making people cold and distant from God, this is an evil deed.
7. If you clearly know that you do not have the reality of the truth and have a bad humanity and yet insistently compete for the leadership position, thus resulting in chaos, this is an evil deed.
8. Acting one way to people’s faces and another behind their backs, feigning compliance while acting in opposition, deceiving your superiors and deluding your subordinates, using double-faced tactics to deceive people, this is an evil deed.
9. Being unable to fellowship about the truth to resolve problems, always seizing the opportunity to get evidence against people to fix and retaliate them and standing one’s ground to chide people, this is an evil deed.
10. Making an issue of the transgressions of leaders and workers, not treating them properly and impacting upon their normal work, this is an evil deed.
11. Retaliating and fixing people when carrying out crackdowns against false leaders, sending people to their doom and not giving them the opportunity to repent, giving rise to panic, this is an evil deed.
12. Being irresponsible leaders and workers and sitting idly by as the wicked disturb the church and not upholding the church’s work, this is an evil deed.
13. Not carrying out one’s duty to resolve real problems in accordance with work arrangements and letting the wicked disturb the church, this is an evil deed.
14. Seriously breaching work arrangements and doing things in one’s own way, going against the truth and persisting to the end, doing harm to God’s chosen people, this is an evil deed.
15. If leaders and workers do not practice the truth, acting wildly and not accepting the supervision and criticism of God’s chosen people, this is an evil deed.
16. If leaders and workers follow their own desires and selectively use people who do not have the reality of the truth and are not able to do actual work, having caused a very bad impact, this is an evil deed.
17. Doing one’s duty carelessly from beginning to end, without the slightest effect, doing more harm than good and seriously affecting the church’s work, this is an evil deed.
18. Not practicing the truth oneself and preventing others from doing their duty and preparing good deeds, this is an evil deed.
19. Refusing dealing and pruning, not being obedient in the slightest, disturbing the church by being rampantly overbearing and doing what one wishes without restraint, this is an evil deed.
20. Persistently bearing witness to oneself and holding oneself up high, making false testimony, displaying oneself to make others admire them, this is classified as deceiving people and is an evil deed.
21. Always contacting and colluding with bad and wicked people, always speaking for the interests of bad and wicked people and disturbing the work of the church, this is an evil deed.
22. Following the wicked in stirring up trouble, disturbing the work of the church and affecting the church life, unrepentant to the end, this is an evil deed.
23. Always having ambition and seeking status, often spreading notions to deceive others and using various means to compete for power, this is an evil deed.
24. Using dirty tricks to preach the gospel, dishonoring God’s name, having the worst impact and disgusting people, this is an evil deed.
25. Not caring for those who have been converted, being almost totally irresponsible and seriously affecting the gospel work, this is an evil deed.
26. Stealing offerings, greedily enjoying luxury, not doing actual work and seriously delaying the church work, this is an evil deed.
27. Embezzling the church charity and relief funds, misusing the money of God’s house, being corrupt and degenerate, having the worst impact, this is an evil deed.
28. Being irresponsible in safekeeping the offerings of God’s house, giving offerings to false leaders, antichrists, and the great red dragon, this is an evil deed.
29. Betraying the church and brothers and sisters, even offering service for Satan, monitoring and tracking leaders and workers, this is an evil deed.
30. Being persistently licentious and wicked, engaging in heterosexual promiscuity or homosexuality, disturbing the church life and having a very bad impact, this is an evil deed.
from “The Good Deeds, Evil Deeds and Various Fallacies That Must Be Clearly Discerned by God’s Chosen People” in Selected Annals of the Work Arrangements of The Church of Almighty God
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